Today I'm sharing two of my current favorite recipes - one savoury and one sweet!

You Will Need: *2 or 3 decent chicken breast fillets *Sliced mushrooms *1 sliced large onion *3 crushed garlic cloves *1 Sliced Green Pepper *250 ml double cream *1 small glass of white wine You can either cook this in the slow cooker or on the hob, last week I tried it in the slow cooker for the first time and it turned out great...but sometimes its just as easy to do it on the hob so I'll list both methods. HOB 1. Seal and brown the chicken in strips 2. Add the crushed garlic and fry off for a minute or so 3. Add the onion, mushrooms, peppers and saute until soft 4. Add the wine and simmer for approximately 8 minutes 5. Add the double cream and stir well - cook through for around 7 minutes and serve! Slow Cooker 1. Seal and brown chicken, and tear roughly into strips - put into slow cooker 2. Throw in all prepped veg and crushed garlic, add the wine and leave on low for around 30 minutes 3. Add the double cream, and leave on low for approx 2 hours, stirring occasionally. 4. Serve with boiled rice! If you find the sauce too runny you can add a little cornflour to thicken it, but I personally prefer it quite thin!

You Will Need:
*225g unsalted butter, softened *225g caster sugar *4 eggs *225g self raising flour *Finely grated zest of 1 lemon *juice of 1 lemon *85g icing sugar
1. Heat oven to 180 Celcius
2. Beat together the butter and caster sugar until smooth, then add the 4 eggs one at a time and mix.
3. Sift in the flour and add the lemon zest, mix well until combined.
4. Line a cake tin with greaseproof paper and pour in the mixture. Put in the middle of the oven and leave the bake for 45-50 minutes
5. When the cake is cooling, mix together the icing sugar and lemon juice - prick the cake across the top with a fork and pour the icing sugar and juice mixture over the top - this will harden to form a glaze
6. Leave to cool completely and then serve.

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