Half term is here. Praise the lord. This weekend has been spent winding down and really just chilling out - seeing some family for dinner last night was as exciting as it got! Today we went for a walk in the sunshine through the park, ending up in town for a cuppa and slice of carrot cake. How all Sunday's should be spent! The weather was lovely for a change - clear blue skies and sunshine, although still chilly. The cold I can cope with, but the rain is just so miserable! Here's what I'm looking forward to this week - getting my hair cut tomorrow (shorter, please!), seeing my gorgeous nephew William, then later in the week my/Rich's niece Georgia, having my work girls round for half-term relaxation and eats, and generally catching up with people I don't get the chance to in term-time. Yesterday I joined my local gym after not renewing at my previous gym in September, and am booked in for a load of fitness classes this week - I'm strangely looking forward to getting back in to shape. Bring me the endorphins! No more cheesy, garlicky mushrooms for me. Well maybe just one more... see below, swoon! I used red Leicester this time hence the colour, but just as tasty.Last night I finally finished reading Philomena. Wow. Such an great story - review to come. I've got four possible next reads to pick from, and would love your help. See picture below and comment or tweet me with your recommendations, I'd really appreciate your input - I just can't decide!