Self Expression Magazine

Swimming With Sharks - for MIND #Charity

Posted on the 19 February 2013 by Lemoncakeuk @lemonfancy

If you have read my poem: Drop, you may also be aware that I lost a friend at the end of 2012 - the husband of a very close friend of mine.
He committed suicide and it left us all in total shock.
I wanted to scream and shout at him (In fact I did a few times) and I am still angry - but I have to let it go; there are not and never will be any answers....
So I am putting my energy into raising money which is what I always do if I can't practically help a situation.
I sort of had a year off last year - as I was a Torchbearer and I wanted to enjoy the Olympics and my 'Moment To Shine' as did 7,999 others! I didn't raise any money for any specific cause, although I took my torch around and made some for The Dorset Air Ambulance and Dorset ME Society to name a couple and I also visited numerous schools and playgroups which were all amazing days!
My son Evan leaving his first school, and subsequently me leaving the PTA, left me with no actual charity to support - until now.
Obviously due to recent events but also because I battle depression, most of the time very well but occasionally I am that character out of the Flintstones with the cloud above my head....
It is still such a Taboo subject and hard for those people who do not understand as there are no physical signs to show.
So I decided MIND would benefit from my money making schemes this year... Bring and Buy Sale? Jumble? Bingo? NOPE - I'm swimming with sharks.

Swimming With Sharks - for MIND #Charity

Here's Brucieeee!

A childhood obsession since I was 5 years old. I have always been enthralled with them, their behavior and just generally everything!
Later in the year the plan is to complete my life long ambition to cage dive with a Great White, but first I am going to tackle 10ft Sand Tiger Sharks! (Well not 'tackle' in a Tarzan type fashion)
So What or Who is MIND?
Swimming With Sharks - for MIND #Charity
"We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding."

Information and support 

Supportive and reliable information is vital. When you're experiencing a mental health problem, it can change your life.We believe in empowering individuals to understand their condition and the choices available to them. We do this through:Our Infoline which offers callers confidential help for the price of a local callOur Legal Advice Service which provides information on mental health related law to the public, service users, family members/carers, mental health professionals and mental health advocatesOur award-winning publications and website, now certified by the Information Standard
So you can see how invaluable their work is and how important it is to keep them going!
Shortly I will be posting up details of my fundraising page and date of my 'event'
Off to breathe deeply and count to 100

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