Swollen Eyes and Stuffed up Nose

Posted on the 29 April 2012 by Paige
In the morning I got another rat from a Sheridan student that was moving. His name is Calvin. The other boys just took him in like they knew him forever. Maybe he's Neil's brother. We also got Neil from a Sheridan student and he had a brother that they gave away to someone else. They are about the same size so it could be possible. Calvin seems happy with his new family and slept in the hammock cuddling the others. He must have been lonely by himself. We picked him up in the Burger King parking lot just like Neil.

Lee, Parson, Neil and Calvin

Last night I was crying because I didn't feel well. When I woke up my eyes were all swollen. Mom told me to put tea bags on my eyes. I made a pot of tea, let the bags cool a bit, then put them on my eyes for 20 minutes. It actually worked, my eyes are less swollen now.
I just learned about the Neti pot. It's so gross and awesome. My allergies are really bad right now and I've made my nose raw from blowing it so much. My mom showed me a Youtube video of it then we picked one up when we went shopping. The package says it's inexpensive but it's a cheap plastic pot that cost us 20 bucks. It actually works but if you're not careful you can get snot all over your face and shirt. I think I tasted some.