It was all going so well with this link up, I'd managed to have to show or tell every week and it had kept me motivated. And this week I appear to have reverted to type. It's the last week of the school year, the kids are still waking up at 5.30/6.00am every day and charging about making a racket - and I've got nothing. I've made a few more earrings which I haven't shown, but reckon that must be getting boring by now, and I can't be bothered to photograph them. I've got a new dress, but it's really too wet and cold to have worn it. I've hoovered under my bed. [a couple of guitars, many shoe boxes, two spiders, some denim shorts and a really really hideous amount of dust]. My friend has lent me Fifty Shades of Grey. It appears to be every bit as terrible as you'd expect. I know it's supposed to have been based on Twilight fan-fic but in case you are as behind the ahem, curve as I am, Anastasia is basically Bella+Sookie Stackhouse with every annoying trait heightened and what appears multiple personality disorder. Oh and a similar obsession with control freaky men, but with extra spanking and a non-disclosure contract.
Thank goodness for a brand new boxset of Dexter to save the day.

What should I be reading/watching/doing? And what have you been up to?Link up below.
Lakota x