…take a Bite

Posted on the 18 October 2016 by Zer @the2women

Well folks, here we are, we’ve made it to the eve of the final 2016 Presidential Debate. I think we all deserve a cupcake. Better yet, I think we all deserve a National Chocolate Cupcake Day…

…Heck, I think we all deserve whatever cupcake we want. Call me a liberal, but I’m all about equal opportunity when it comes to cupcakes.

Sure, we’ll celebrate the funfetti, red velvet, yellow, carrot, and other wonderful cupcakes of the world on National Cupcake Day (December 15, mark your calendars). And I certainly do not want to deprive the noble chocolate cupcake of its day in the sun. But I like to think that the chocolate cupcake is willing to share its day. And now, more than ever, I think we could all use any kind of cupcake we can get our hands on.

So get out there, America, enjoy your cupcakes, and prepare for the final showdown…

…bi-daily smile…