…Take a Breather

Posted on the 20 July 2014 by Zer @the2women

It seems fair to say that this week has been a rough one, in the most heartbreaking way. The tragedy of flight MH17 served as a startling reminder of the violence we are capable of inflicting on one another. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by this week’s atrocities.

Plenty has been said, and speculated about the violence that happened this week. And no doubt, even more commentary will be piled on top of that.

While we may have some more to say about this tragedy as more is revealed , for now we’ll let the world digest, and wait for some more facts to be brought to light.

It’s not in the nature of 2WC to add to the gloom of such horrible circumstances, so this Sunday we thought we’d offer a break from the media onslaught.

Prepare to be happy…or at least take a breather from all the chaos.

First up, Broadway lost a great this week with the passing of Elaine Stritch, and while we’re sad for the loss, we dare you not to smile during this video:

This week also brought with it a new album from Weird Al, which is not in and of itself anything to get too excited about, but Word Crimes (a parody of Blurred Lines), most definitely is:

And of course, as anyone who’s been trolling the internet for Peter Pan casting announcements since January knows, NBC announced their first casting decision—Christopher Walken will be playing the part of Captain Hook. So, in honor of this first step towards learning the identity of Peter (…who they’re now saying will be played by a woman), we give you this gem:


…just for fun: