…Take A Moment

Posted on the 14 November 2015 by Zer @the2women

“Peace for Paris” by Jean Jullien

Events like yesterday’s horrific attacks in Paris stir a range of emotions. The anger, sadness, and disbelief can have a polarizing effect. They’ll either tear people apart or bring them closer together.

Which is why reactions like last night’s #PorteOuverte are so incredibly significant. Parisians fought back last night with kindness, and refused to give into fear.

While the fight is far from over, this first step inspires hope.

When facing an enemy like those who organized last night’s attack, determining the “right” course of action. How do you deal with that kind of hatred? How can you work towards peace with extremists who claim to be against your very existence?

There aren’t any easy answers, but as the people of Paris demonstrated there are simple but profound ways to fight the fear.

Those affected by the attacks in Paris, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

More on the Story: Reuters

How you can help: Mashable