…take a Reign Check

Posted on the 14 April 2019 by Zer @the2women

The final season of "Game of Thrones" starts in mere hours and I hope you're ready, HBO, because Westeros hath no fury like Thronies faced with a buffering app. The excitement is high and even the weather can't seem to contain itself...

Winter came, it outstayed its welcome and now it just won't leave...

But let's focus, there are bigger things to worry about, like how are Jon and Dany going to take the news...

Then there's the big question, how will this all end?

One thing is clear, it won't end well for most of these characters, and I for one would be disappointed if it did. Likable as some of these characters may be, this has been too bloody of a journey to end well. Still, I have no doubt that someone will be sitting on the Iron Throne when all is said and done, and before the end begins, I'd like to put in a solid vote for Sansa Stark.

This once very annoying (intentionally so, I know) character has come a long way. She's been through a lot (a complete and total understatement), overcome a seriously annoying stretch...

....and she's emerged as a fantastic (dark, damaged, but fierce) character without committing any truly heinous acts, which is the closest anyone in Westeros has come to being an actual good person.

Oh and there's the fact that she genuinely has no interest in power, even if she has every right to it.

Plus, let's be honest, there's the Brienne of Tarth factor. Brienne may have promised to protect all the Starks, but I think we all know who needed it the most and has benefitted the most from said protection.

This all began with the Starks, it's pretty clear it will end with them.

There may be no winners in the "Game of Thrones," but I am still hoping that Lady Sansa Stark is sitting on that Iron Throne before this comes to an end...

...bi-daily smile...