…Take a Stab at It

Posted on the 11 April 2019 by Zer @the2women

There are only three more sleeps till "Game of Thrones" is FINALLY back!!! It's so close you can practically feel the chill of winter's return...or perhaps that's just left over from yesterday's snow (spring is a lie).

In spite of our close proximity, the imminent nature of the end does not seem real. Perhaps it's denial, but I'm inclined to believe it's the year and a half that's passed since the end of season seven.

I understand that a series of this size, with all its moving parts and complex character development, requires time to plan and prepare for an ending that is worthy of the story.

That being said, you've left us alone with our thoughts for too long. There are people who claim to be fans who expect a happy ending at this point. I know it's been a while guys, but really? You think this is going to end well?

Spoiler alert: It's not. No one wins the Game of Thrones. Some just live longer.

As I said, we've been given too much time to over think this. So, here's my thoughts on how this all is going to go down. Apologies if I accidentally spoil anything. I promise, like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

My money is on Westeros going full "Hamlet" by the time the Knight King reaches King's Landing à la Fortinbras. I'm thinking the Lannister twins will probably take each other out. Tyrion has a 50 percent chance of survival. The whole situation between Jon Snow and Aunt Daenerys

is not going to end well.

There's a chance that Sansa Stark may survive because she's smart and fairly level-headed (and because of someone else I won't mention). Oh, and because her brother Bran is totally the Knight King. Sorry to team Arya, but she is powered by pure rage which is going to get her killed.

Brienne is probably going to make it because she's the biggest badass in the Seven Kingdoms. Theon Greyjoy will make it because the worm always survives. Always. However, if he has a true moment of redemption while saving his sister, then his number is up.

The Ice Dragon will most definitely survive too. And I'm rooting for Sam and Gilly (who have the awkward job of letting Jon know that he's a Targaryen).

What can I say, I'm an eternal optimist and a hopeless romantic.

Okay, I know that's a total downer. In all fairness, this would actually be a fairly happy ending for the world created by George R.R. Martin. Anyone surviving is a happy ending.

Of course, at this point, most of us don't know. All we have is our knowledge of the series and books and nearly two year's worth of time to think about it. Anything could happen and it probably will. On that note, I'll leave you to enjoy your final moments of anticipation.

More on the Story: Refinery29

...just for fun: