…take Control

Posted on the 15 July 2014 by Zer @the2women

Image Credit:
Thomas Ohlsson Photography on Flickr

Poor video games have the habit of winding up the scapegoat.  There are few evils out there that haven’t been pinned on them.

Turns out when they’re not melting our brains or promoting violence (because apparently correlation does equal causation, if you’re angry, ill-informed, and louder than the level-headed among us), video games might be doing some good.

Video games can actually make your brain larger (your right prefrontal cortex, right hippocampus, and gray matter in your cerebellum, to be precise).

Yes, rejoice gamers, you now have science on your side. You’re not only working out your thumbs, you’re working out your mind too.

True, the brain benefits can be achieved with as little as a half hour of video games, two times a week, but you don’t have to tell everyone that.

So, next time someone tells you that you play too many video games, tell them it’s brain therapy.


Mashable: Playing Video Games Can Actually Change the Size of Your Brain

…bi-daily smile…

The girl in the glasses has a point, girls can play this. Why can’t it be called Game Boy/Girl?