Back in July, Integrity released photos of the newest band to hit their Jem and the Holograms line– The Stingers. I was a bit busy in July playing babysitter to my 6 year old cousin, so I missed the news completely!

The Singers
What is interesting about these three dolls is that we, collectors and Jem fans, have very little to compare them to. Hasbro had made prototypes of The Stingers (on linked site click name of character for photo) prior to the cancellation of the toy line, but the dolls were never produced and few have surfaced. The fact that this trio has no doll comparison might very well work in its favor because us fans could never become too attached to another dolly incarnation.
It may be late, but here for your viewing pleasure are a few promotional images of The Stingers!

Integrity’s Riot
Riot is the lead singer of the Stingers. I can see they tried really hard to capture Riot and, for the most part, I think Integrity did a pretty good job! (Shocking, right?) His outfit is very reminiscent of his cartoon persona and I can see hints of the arrogant and slightly troubled Riot that we all grew to love in this face mold. He looks bit younger than his cartoon counterpart, but that’s a pretty minor issue.

What I don’t love about Riot is his rooted hair. I can see they tried, but it reads too ‘girly’ and less ‘wild’ to me. Still, all things considered, I think Integrity did a solid job on Riot!

Integrity’s Minx
Minx is one of two female members of the band. She plays the synthesizer and constantly hits on Rio.

Again, I think Integrity did a pretty good job on her face. The company’s long, angular facemolds seems to work far better on the ‘trouble making’ bands than the Holograms.

Integrity’s Rapture
The third and final member of The Stingers is Rapture. Rapture plays a yellow and black guitar. Rapture is the mystic of the group, always trying to con someone into believing in some magical object or omen and usually succeeding in getting whatever she truly wants!

Aesthetically, she’s not my favorite doll, but just like the other two, I do feel Integrity captured a bit of her essence in their design. The hair is a total re-design, it seems. I don’t quite understand why they decided to give her as much hair as they did, but I’m sure trying to recreate her original hair style would have been a manufacturing nightmare.
These fully articulated vinyl fashion dolls are 12″ tall. Riot is taller by .5″. They come with various accessories, including extra hands, instruments and albums.
Rapture, Minx and Riot retail for $119.00. The Stingers are (surprise, surprise) ‘ultra limited’ and were estimated to start shipping this month via their authorized dealers. I did a bit of web hopping and saw them still available on many sites.
I’m intrigued, now that Integrity has released all there major bands in the Jem and the Holograms cartoon, who will we see next? Video? Clash? Or maybe some of the other unreleased characters?
What do you think of Integrity’s interpretation of The Stingers? Share your thoughts below!