Take Me Out to the Ball Game, #995

Posted on the 19 June 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

My son loves sports, and poor child, he was just not born into a sports minded family.  We are musicians and would much rather spend money to see a concert than to head to a sporting event.

This summer, my son is attending sports camp, and he declared to me a few days ago, “I’m a sports guy, Mom.”  All week he’s been practicing baseball skills begging me to sign him up for Little League not caring that it’s not Little League season.  I feel really bad that I haven’t signed him up in the past, but the Little League schedule is not consistent.  You never know what day of the week they will be having a game until the week the before.  For a working parent, that is near impossible to work with.  I don’t know how other families do it.

Today is a very big day for my boy.  Camp is taking all of the campers up to Phoenix for a Diamondbacks game.  My son is over the moon about seeing professional baseball, and he is already asking for his birthday party to be baseball themed this year.  His birthday is not until November, but he’s got big plans.  Apparently, I need to buy full uniforms for every single one of his friends.

Regardless, I’m excited for my son today.  I know he is going to love every moment.  I have a feeling that baseball is about to be an ever bigger topic in our house.  There are much worse things.

My song of the day today is “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” because what else could it be with this topic?  When I looked up the song on Youtube, I found the recording of it from 1908.  It’s amazing that this song is well over 100 years old, which means that baseball has been around for a very very long time.  Enjoy this amazing recording as we cheer on the Diamondbacks today!