Now don’t try to deny it. Some of us have a bit a problem accepting praise. Call it humility, or whatever you will, on National Compliment Day, it’s not allowed. Today especially, the only acceptable response to a genuine compliment–thank you.
It may seem small, but taking the time to compliment someone can turn a whole day around. Whether you praise their hard work, positive attitude, or just the fact that they’re generally awesome (which you are), a little kindness can go a long way.
A compliment is more than a kind word, it’s an acknowledgement. It lets the recipient know that you see and appreciate them. Beyond making them feel better, it can also make you feel better. After all, kindness begets kindness. It may seem like an obvious and somewhat sappy sentiment, but let’s face it, now more than ever the world could use a little more kindness.
Thankfully, there are awesome people like you out there to help spread a little bit of it around.
…just for fun: