Taking a Step Back

Posted on the 17 June 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I rarely write about my faith on this blog, not because I am ashamed of it or anything. It's actually because I haven't been that involved in my faith. I have been going through my life in my own direction. I pray before bedtime, but I haven't been trying to enrich or nourish it.
I'm not really sure how to get back on the horse. I know that I need a womens group with an active bible study to keep me accountable. I just haven't found that in Arizona. If you are in the AZ area, and know of any young married couple sessions let me know. It was great in OKC because we were part of a group that meet every week and we talked about the series. I also took part of a bible study with some amazing ladies as well. We always did bible studies that challenged and pushed me. I miss that in my faith.
Also we haven't been attending church regularly. We LOVE LifeChurch in OKC, and we just haven't found a church we LOVE in Tempe. We are on the right page and trying to find another church but it feels hopeless.
That's why I am turning to my bloggy friends. Any and all advice is welcome.
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