If there’s one thing my Mother always encouraged me to do, it was taking personal responsibility. Luckily, I absorbed the concept early on and was rewarded with being labeled dependable and trust-worthy both in my family and at work. I have a decent track record of not letting people down. I like it.
This also nicely blends with my inability to say No. I know, I know. After realizing the consequences and gaining a little more wisdom, I am slowly getting better at it. I am getting to a point where I manage my time better, spending more “me” time as they call it, even if my thoughts are on a roller-coaster ride, making lists and trying to fit everything in. No, I don’t always succeed. But I am smiling most of the time, and that helps. A great deal.
Thing is, after struggling with trying to check off everything on my to-do list over the past few days – I feel the need for some motivation, some affirmation. Sure I enjoyed doing whatever I did. I confess I enjoyed the distractions even more, what with feeding my soul and all, but it only resulted in late nights and being up very early in the morning.
I died of guilt for being absent from here for a week now. It is funny how I used to blog whenever I liked, but now I have a sense of personal responsibility because of all you lovely people commenting. (Yes, I know I’ve delayed answering comments – but rest assured it is what keeps me going!) I’ve been actively blogging though at my other blogs Coffee With Mi writing haiku and responding to writing prompts. I also wrote a post at my health blog Your Medical Guide about why you are never to old to live healthy.
The rest of the time, I’ve been working, reading, trying to clean house and get things in order. A little tough because there’s dust every where – our building is undergoing repairs in prep to painting. What keeps me going is the thought of how nice everything will look when it is all done.
On the happy side, I am wearing a brand new pair of glasses, yay! Suddenly my world looks far brighter. Part of the reason could be the amazing clarity of my new glasses, versus the rather dusty, hastily wiped old beloved pair.
So I dusted out my favorite spur-me-into-action, kick-in-the-shapely-rear words. I am about to share this with you.
But first, let me tell you what inspired this post. When I found myself feeling challenged about time management, rushing in and out of my house, I ran into our local municipal worker who cleans the streets. As always she grinned at me, asked after my health and my “little boy” just as she has, for the past 13 years now. Yes, really!
This lady cleans the stretch of road that covers our building and has been doing so for more than 20 years now. Yet she smiles, jokes and goes about her day as if she’s got everything. Naturally, contemplating on her had me smiling as I gave myself a mental kick in the butt. She takes personal responsibility to keep our area clean and goes about her work contentedly. There is a lesson for me in it.
This got me thinking of all the people I interact with on a daily basis. They work in unusual work spaces. They do not live in comfort, but they are happy with what they have. They are kind. They always have a nice word for whoever cares to chat with them. That is what especially touches me. And motivates me to carry something for them every other day. How can I ever forget the joy of distributing juice! I am gratified they all remember me and greet me with a smile and some conversation. I value those moments I spend with them.
Here then are “my people”. Click the photos in the gallery to see a slideshow – I’ve captioned each picture. To come back to reading the post, click anywhere on the screen.
The amazing thing about these people is, they:
- are always smiling and cheerful
- are always have time for a kind word
- are reliable
- take personal responsibility
- take pride in their work
No matter what activity keeps you busy in life, taking personal responsibility and being accountable to self is critical. I am lucky I had a great mentor in my Mother, who insisted I develop certain attitudes if I was to survive through life’s exciting times with a smile. It can only get better, right? Here is something I try to live by:
I won’t wait for others to take the first step.
If it is to be, it’s up to me.
If not me, who? If not now, when?
Let me take a shot at it.
I will not pass the buck.
You can count on me.
It IS my job!
I will!The most important word:
Life is good.
How we choose to feel is in our hands.
Happiness is a choice.
With love, Vidya
How has your week been?
Can you recall a moment when you found inspiration in an unexpected source? What did you learn?
Please do share in the comments! I can feel a collaborative post building up from the answers to that question. Are you in?
I am happy to link with UnknownMami’s Sundays In My City meme. It means traveling the world together.
Here are some wonderful posts I read this week:
Listen to your heart at Everyday Gyaan
The Simple Elegance of Intuitive Decision Making at Powered by Intuition
Is your life driving you crazy? at Reflecting a Life
Have a lovely week ahead!
I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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