Self Expression Magazine

Tarot Tip #4

Posted on the 23 July 2013 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday


“Tarot math” is an important part of reading cards. Always pay close attention to the card numbers.

What do the High Priestess, the Two of Cups and the Four of Pentacles have in common?

They all vibrate to the “Two” frequency. The High Priestess is the second card of the Major Arcana, the Two of Cups is an obvious “Two” card and Four (of Pentacles, in this case) is just 2×2… basic math. What does this mean? It means that these cards all have similar meanings relating to balance, reflection and inaction (traits of the number 2.) Why does this matter? If you’re doing a reading and the numbers are in a pattern (2,4,6,8) or all in the same family (6,12, 2, 8… or even 10, 5, 15) then you need to pay special attention.


Knowing your numbers and doing “Tarot Math” means you’ll be able to read any deck of cards, from regular playing cards to fancy Tarot sets. If this is interesting to you, you should look into numerology too. It’s like learning grammar to you can write beautiful sentences.

Miss last week’s tip? Click on the “Tarot Tips” category in the sidebar or follow the pin board.

Do you have any questions about the Tarot?

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By Laura Blanco
posted on 05 January at 20:40

Hey! I found a website where can to get your free numerology reading. You have to see it for yourself!: