Tarot Tip #7: Best Times for a Tarot Reading

Posted on the 27 August 2013 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

You’ve likely heard of the “thinning of the veil” in regard to Halloween. The “veil” refers to the barrier between the living and the dead. It’s also the barrier between conscious and unconscious, past and future, known and unknown. This shadowy time is perfect for divination of all kinds, particularly Tarot.

Why May 1st? Because Beltane, another name for May 1st, is the mirror of Halloween. It even has similar lore relating to veils and boundaries, including fairies, love and pregnancy… all ethereal things that inhabit the in-between.

It’s easier to see if you look at an image of the Wheel of the Year. You can see that Samhain and Beltane are part of the same energetic or seasonal cord that cuts through the year:

At these times of year, you are naturally more open and receptive. Your psychic abilities (everybody has intuition) will be heightened and you’ll likely be able to draw better cards and interpret them more accurately.

Many Tarot readers and Witchy People read their own cards on these nights, in order to gain insight on the next 6 months or year. Halloween, or Samhain, is the Witches’ New Year so many practitioners use it as a time to plan their year.

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