Self Expression Magazine

Tarot Tip #8: Twin Cards

Posted on the 03 September 2013 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

tarot tip

Twin cards are cards that have similar meanings. Examples include:

The Lovers and the Two of Cups

The High Priestess and the Four of Swords

Death and the Eight of Wands

The Fool and the Three of Wands

Some cards are triplets. The Three of Wands, Three of Swords and The Hierophant are triplets because they’re the only cards in the Tarot deck that signify groups rather than an individual.

These cards act as reinforcing cards, strengthening the meaning of a reading when both cards appear.

Also keep in mind that many twin cards are the Minor Arcana equivalent of a Major Arcana card. For example, the Two of Cups is the Minor Arcana equivalent of The Lovers card. While the Major Arcana describes Universal forces beyond our control, the Minor Arcana describes our actions. So, if you were to draw The Lovers, you’d know that a loving, romantic or sexual energy surrounds you. If the next card you drew was the Two of Cups, you’d know that now is the time to act on that energy, that you can make something happen (a date, relationship or friendship) if you act wisely.

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