This is a month of Intention. I've added my name to the TinyPeppers blogroll. I've added my name to the BlogHer blogroll. I've added my name to the YeahWrite #NoMo blogroll. I'm committed to posting every day through the month of November, and what's more- I have some personal goals, too. I'm going to read everything posted by a Pepper and I'm going to use this moment of pure dedication to words and community to figure out what I want to do with my life and my stories.
Goals are as nanoscopic when compared to intention though and, today - right now, this month, this minute- I am focused on walking with direction and purpose.
We'll talk all about it over at Sreejit's house - The Seeker's Dungeon - where he's set up a month of posts dedicated to that singular word. I'd like to pick your brain and hear your thoughts.
Comments will be closed here because that's the rules, but stop by and say hey, alright? There's plenty of chai and coffee. Tags: goals, purpose, kindness, fellowship, nablopomo, nanopoblano, on the road, intention, nanopoblano2015, YeahWriteNoMo. Bookmark the permalink.