Diaries Magazine

Tasty Tuesday - Bourbon Nectarine Sundae

Posted on the 28 June 2011 by Parentingsmh @parentingsmh
Clueless does the majority of the grocery shopping and to make things easy he buys in bulk.  This is usually good for most things except produce.   
This week, Clueless Dad walks in with a case of nectarines and says "we have to eat one a day so we don't lose any of them"(smh).  So, with a decree firmly planted, my first thought was I need to think of a dish to use some of these up in a hurry.  
I started to think pound cake and ice cream.  I always do a google search to validate some of my culinary bright ideas, cause I'm no chef, and sometimes there are rules about what things can go together.  
I fell upon this recipe for Bourbon Nectarine Sundaes and knew exactly what I wanted to do. 
This should be easy for all you reluctant cooks like me. 
Tasty Tuesday - Bourbon Nectarine Sundae
Here's what I did …
Ingredients:Small store bought pound cake (you can get extra and make it yourself if you want)5 nectarines2 tbsps brown sugarAbout a 1/4 cup bourbon1 stick of butter2 pints of vanilla ice cream
Preheat oven at 350 degrees.  Cut about half of the pound cake into rectangular chunks.  Place the chunks of cake in a large bowl.  Melt about a 1/3 of a stick of butter and toss the cake chunks with butter.  Place the chunks on a cookie sheet or large baking pan and place in the oven for about 10 minutes or at least until they start to brown.  Remove from the oven and set aside.Peel and slice the nectarines and set aside.  In a sauce pan melt the remaining butter.  Once the butter is hot, add in the nectarines and let them simmer for about 5 minutes on medium to high heat.  Add in the brown sugar and continue simmering.  Stir occasionally until the liquid begins to thicken.  Add in the bourbon and continue simmering for about 10 minutes.   Remove from heat and let the nectarines cool for about 5 minutes.
Start building your sundae with a layer of cake.Add in a spoonful of the nectarines.Next add in a smaller layer of cake.Finally add 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream And serve.
Makes about 4-5 servings

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