Tax Day, A Birthday and Spring Well on the Way All Rolled into One

Posted on the 16 April 2011 by Singleblogger @RachelPRicucci
Happy Spring to my Readers,
Where have the months gone? I am enjoying my new home with Pretty and getting used to all the new places we have discovered and looking forward to the ones we have yet to discover. Pretty turns five years old today! Happy Birthday to my dog Pretty! She got her share of new toys, favorite foods and a long walk today to celebrate.
Today is also Tax Day...happy I got that over with. It's something we all have to do and hate to do - but, have to do it. Hopefully, everybody out there got their taxes in on time! Me...yeah, I've been filing single all these years...status hasn't changed...maybe one day it will, who knows?
As for Spring, I think most people are looking forward to this season (minus the things that bring on allergies). I for one have to be careful, I'm very allergic to pollen and some trees. So, I stay inside mostly when things are rough out there. If you're interested in learning more about allergies, check out this article I wrote on about it. It has some helpful points:
Speaking of Spring, lots of times...what else comes to mind? Well, dating of course! People like to get out and meet new people when the weather warms up, and this is the time to do it.
I wrote an article awhile back on about online dating. If you're interested or think a friend might be, please pass it along. What are your opinions about online dating?
Well, we've had a cornucopia of ideas on this blog, but perhaps you've connected with one of them!
I'm postng a picture of my gal Pretty for her birthday! This is my favorite picture of her when I first got her three years ago...