Self Expression Magazine

Teachers Tell All

Posted on the 21 September 2011 by Dmroughton
Calling all educators:
I recently read Dirty Little Secrets from Otherwise Perfect Moms, a compilation of humorous anecdotes from moms, which were anonymously revealed. It's a short read, and I highly recommend it.
It dawned on me that my fellow Professors and I share with each other similar humorous stories about our daily interactions with students, so I decided to start collecting these.
To that end, if you have such a story, please post it here anonymously (after you read the disclaimer) in a paragraph or less. Topics might include:
  • Student Mistakes (For example, a colleague of mine once received an essay about the Jews and the Genitals - rather than Gentiles.)
  • Teacher Confessions (Perhaps you have a creative grading shortcut, you would never tell your supervisor. Or maybe you have to drink 3 gin and tonics before you can tackle that set of papers.)
  • Student Behavior (Did something happen in your classroom that you just had to share with your co-workers?)
  • In general, anything you have encountered in your job as a teacher which you found funny and just had to share with someone, or that you have personally done and wish to share anonymously.
 Please feel free to submit as many different anecdotes as you want. Also, please share this link with all of your friends who work in education.
Thanks, and let the giggles begin!
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