Team Clonc - Manchester Sites as You've Never Seen Them Before

Posted on the 15 February 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
On Monday we collected our friend from hospital. He'd been in for 10 days after getting knocked off his bike at road works in Chorlton.
Two broken ribs, a punctured lung, a couple of partial lung collapses and a chest drain later, we busted him from jail, while humming the theme tune to 'The Great Escape'!
Cyclists are so vulnerable. It makes me shudder - especially as Tris cycles six miles into Manchester and back every day. For the driver, it's getting home a couple of minutes earlier. For the cyclist and their family - it's their lives. 
So if you see a little fellow peddling like the clappers in a flourescent jacket - don't knock him off, it's my husband!
Having said that - you do get idiot cyclists too. Like the one who cycled across the road right in front of me, with no lights, on what looked like a Brompton - one of those £700 folding bikes.

Team Clonc - Manchester sites as you've never seen them before

Picture source Folding Bikes.

"Well that's not his" I muttered under my breath.
But having talked to a proper Brompton owner (in fact he has cycled the length of the country on one) that might not be true. Apparently a load of Bromptons were given to some BMX riders in Manchester so that they could make a funky 'urban tricks' video for You Tube.
Welcome Team Clonc - a group of people who have no fear and have yet to realize that they are not indistructable. A week in Wythenshaw hospital carrying a bottle full of their own chest fluid should sort that out!

Team Clonc - Manchester sites as you've never seen them before
See how many Manchester landmarks you recognize. On our list were Manchester University (in particular The Stopford Building), The Arndale, under the Mancunian Way, Spinningfields, The Peveril of the Peak and The Arndale car park.
Click here to watch the video.
 If you aren't from Manchester, watch it anyway because it's really good - especially the bit at the end which had me squealing. Lunatics - the lot of them!