We all have our rules. The things we'll never, ever, ever do, no matter what. You know? Like never dancing, always wearing makeup, insisting on thank you letters, fish on Fridays, ironed pants.
I'm not so troubled about makeup, flat pants or dancing... but I do have my limits.
Onesies are only for children and, even then, only to be worn inside the house, away from public gaze.
Until now that is.
I own a large - huge, gigantic - red tartan affair. And I'm going to wear it outside twice.
It's my costume for my part in the Team Honk Relay.

Over the past few weeks hundreds of the UK's finest bloggers have taken the baton from one end of the country to the other. Already almost £25,000 has been raised and there's still a way to go.
The baton has just crossed the Border and is making its way to John O'Groats. I'll be helping it across the Forth Road Bridge and then whitewater rafting it up the River Tay.
I'm in some good company. My fellow bloggers include:
SupersisterToby Goes Bananas
Mummy Barrow
Mummy Central
Brina Bird
Soft Thistle (honourable mention because she'd be with us if she wasn't crocked).

The why.
Not the onesie why, the Sport Relief why. Because it raises a huge amount of money to help people at home and overseas. Your donations can change lives, that's it really.
What to do?
D'oh. Donate. Even a pound can make a difference. Or you could sign up to take part in the Sainsbury's Sports Relief Games this weekend.
Share this post, tweet #teamhonkrelay, throw coins, whatever.
Anything else?

PS One of the bloggers asked last night if I was