Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Posted on the 12 January 2014 by Umkhaloodie

Some of us like to go through life doing everything for ourselves but unfortunately life doesn’t work best that way. 99% of the time it is actually better to work as part of a team, more opinions, more visions and ideas and an overall wider view of the conclusion/outcome means success. It can be in any area of our lives, family life, work life even business life. Of course, yes, there is always the ‘if I want something done, I’ll do it myself’ and, for some of us , that works.
If I want a light bulb changed, I do it… That’s just me. But if I decided to redecorate for example, I’ll go ahead and ask for my spouse’s help. Two heads are better than one. Sometimes two decisions are better than one and just because perhaps you have always been the one do to something, it doesn’t mean you always have to be that person.
Ask for opinions, get advice, work as a team. Teamwork leads to success, there’s isn’t an award for many parts of the world (let someone help you when you need it).