My husband was watching his ESPN2 Sports Center, My Oldest daughter was playing her Nintendo DS, and my littlest daughter was watching Kung Fu Panda 2, All the while I had my face stuck in my iPad and my cell phone in my hand.
This got me thinking about how my life was when I was little, sure we had TV and Dial-Up Internet. But Cell Phones were limited, and you either had a job that issued one or you were loaded and could afford the foot long bulky cell phone and the unreasonable rates that went with each minute you used.
Heck, the "cool" people had those almost transparent Motorola Beepers. Now that was cool stuff there!
I started to wonder, what the heck did our parents do with us? I mean even with all these gadgets we got in 2012 I still cant get my kids outta my butt! Then I remembered on of my Daddys famous phrases. (he had many, most would make ya think twice or meant that you were in big trouble!)
"Summer Rules: Kids Outdoors"
Any kid that I grew up with knew what that meant! If the streetlights were not on, you were not in the house! Looking back I dont know how I survived without my shows, and central air conditioning! Hell, I was the first kid on my block to get Central Air, I think I was about 14 at the time. My house was the "Cool" (literally) place to hang out! Till my dear Dad said, "Go Outside"--
So, anyway back to the point. My childrend (ages 4 years and 1.5 years) dont even know what life is like out there! (granted much different now then when I was a child) and that was it, I set my foot down for a new house event!
I called the kids into the living room and told them and my husband (my littlest didnt understand but she listened) that Sunday was going to be a Technology Free Family Day. & While the Sun was out, we would be too! TV, Radios, iPads, Video Games, etc. Were not permitted! (of course, I had to cheat just a little because it was many "firsts" for our children and of course I needed to take pictures, with my cell phone.... ooppps.)
Sunday Morning came along, the kids got ready to head to the Walmart and then... My plan backfired! My daughter (the 4 year old) is way beyond her years and said "We cant use our car, its technology"--- Geez. I should have made these rules a little more clear!
She argued with me back and forth for nearly 10 minutes about how we could not take the car to the store.... I ended up winning, telling her that if we had to walk to the Walmart (only a mile) that we will not be going to the park because it is WAY TO FAR to walk.
She gave in...
We went and bought fishing poles, and all the stuff for our tackle box & went out on our way...
We visited multiple parks... Lakes, Ponds, Streams, and Playgrounds.
Got in fights, Got exercise, and Got Hungry!
We spent the entire day our doors till dinner. Which was prepared on the BBQ and I must say even with the "Im hot", "My legs are tired", "I want to watch iCarly" and so on.... We had a FABULOUS, I repeat FABULOUS day!
Now, my plan is to make every Sunday a Family Technology Free Day! (I mean, if the first one went so well, it can only get better. Right?!)
Below are some of my "cheating" pictures from our day!!