Diaries Magazine

Technology is Winning…

Posted on the 12 October 2011 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Sometimes I should just leave crap well enough alone. When am I going to learn that?? No clue.

Maybe I shouldn’t try to fix anything on days that are this close to the full moon…

So I was talking to my friend Janis from Hortophile~My New Garden and she was asking me if I was on Technorati… I am.

I am on everything. If I can link to it and it will push my blog on you, I am there baby. So I realized I hadn’t been on there in forever, and maybe I should go and check out my info and make sure it was up to date.

But first you have to log on. Right.

Email address and usual password. Wrong.

Usual username and usual password. Wrong.

The other username and usual password. Wrong.

All of the above and a different password…WRONG.

Technology is winning…

GAH. I have of course not put the information in my password keeper on my phone, like I have everything else.

So I go to send new password. I do it. I get the email and paste in the ridiculous new password and use my email address. Wrong.

I try the other two usernames. Wrong.

Now I have nearly had enough. So chancing it may have the answer I click on the little almost invisible fucking help button in the top corner of the page.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

They tell you in this pertinent information, that your username is HIDDEN in the title of the email they have just sent you. SWEET.

I enter the now known username and the ridiculous password they have given me, which I have already tried to use once…Wrong.


Ok..so I reclick on the send me a new password button, because apparently you can only use it once and it goes to cyberspace never to be seen or heard from again…

I then use my now known username and the stupid new password…Success…


Now, I am having a nightmare time getting the fucking site to find the stupid letters that I have posted in a blog that people will read and think I was drunk typing…

Fucking awesome.

And then FINALLY…when I had given up all hope or even remembered why it mattered so much, or seriously at ALL, I get this email…

“This is an automatically-generated email. Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati.
We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review.”

Well thank you very damn much. It only took you all day and twenty tries to get it right, or wait…maybe that was just me.

I have no idea at this point, I really don’t. I seriously don’t even think anyone from there even looks at my wee curse-filled blog about life…

I am not even sure it even matters at this point, all I know is I won in the end, I will work on something that annoying all night until I get it right if I have to, but it’s only 11, it could have been way worse.

I even have time to go see if there is something else I can screw up before bed…

Happy Wednesday everyone….

Technology is winning…

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