Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Halfshell Heroes Squeeze'Ems Review

Posted on the 17 September 2016 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
A couple of weeks ago we were given the opportunity to try out the brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Squeeze'ems.
As soon as I saw the name pop up in my email account, I knew that my 3 year old son would just love them so I had to say yes!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were a big hit during my own childhood and it seems that the Halfshell Heroes are back on Nickelodeon to wow a new generation of fans - and my son is certainly one of them!
He was beside himself with glee when this arrived in the post and has played with it pretty much non-stop since.
I was pretty surprised by just how big these toys are, I expected something much smaller. 
They are designed to be squeezed and when you squeeze, their eyes and tongues pop which both Tyne and Noah found hilarious!

They also make sounds sounds - not the most pleasant ones I have to say, they do seem to do a lot of belching! - but they certainly made the children laugh!
The toys are very high quality and durable, and really easy for little hands to use too - this was something I would probably have walked past in the shops and thought nothing more of, but I was surprised by how much enjoyment my son got out of it - infact he's been asking for the rest of crew for Christmas!!
If your little one is a fan of the Turtles, do check out www.turtlestoyscollectorsclub.co.uk for downloadables, activities and competitions
Half-Shell Heroes Squeeze-Ems are priced at £24.99- to find out more please visit www.flairplc.co.uk

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