Teething and Halloween

Posted on the 20 October 2012 by Kristineduffey @GeminiWriter81

This is the costume package pic. Cute kid, though.

Halloween is approaching and we are not ready. 

Chewbeads teething bracelet 

Teething 6 month old = no Halloween decorations. Also, no sleep and lots of crying.   I hate for the little guy to be so miserable and it seems like it’s taking such a long time for his first tooth to break through. He can say "mama" now and roll over. We are still working on the crawling thing. This Chewbeads.com bracelet is his favorite teething toy. It's not my style but it makes him happy. 
Even though we won’t be decorating we do have a costume for the little guy from Target.com. He’s going to be a Dragon. He looks so adorable in it. I think trick or treating might take 2 nights. We have all of the grandparent’s houses to visit and that will take some time.  Then we have all of the aunts to visit as well. Between chatting and taking pictures it’s going to take some time. So, Andy won’t miss out completely on Halloween this year. I think we need to save up our decorating energy for Christmas.