Telling a Story in 35 Words…

Posted on the 09 July 2013 by Rohan @rohanforsale

Two weeks ago I was invited by Indie Book of the Day to submit some short stories for their Flash Fiction competition. Sad news first: I didn’t win (even though my entries were clearly the best!)

But there’s good news too! First of all my entries, along with all the others, will be compiled into a free e-book that will be available to download in a couple of months time. When you grab it you’ll be able to read through hundreds of micro stories across a number of genres and ranging in length from 35 words up to a hefty 69 words!

The other good news is that it was fun! We were given a genre in which to write, a prompt and word limit that included the title! I’ve been enjoying the Friday flash fiction of my blogger buddy Miss Tiffany for a good while now and so I jumped at the chance to write some of my own. It is such a challenge to work under such a harsh word count but boy is it fun

So I present to you my entries for the Indie Book of the Day Flash Fiction contest below, and below that I’ll link to the winning entries so you can check them out for yourself! Two of the entries below are mine, and one was written by my brother and Gyaros co-author Alex!

* Story 1 Guidelines:

Title: And Then They Were Dead (Mystery & Thriller)
Task: Write a mystery/thriller flash story about ‘death’
Prompt: Use ‘party/gathering’ as part of the plot.
Restrictions: Word limit of 35 words, including the Title.

When I Snap My Fingers

She opened her eyes. A bloody knife in her trembling hand. All laid dead, including the hypnotist. “W-what happened?” she panicked, “Wait! I asked him to make me a killer…”

by Rohan Healy

* Story 2 Guidelines:

Title: The Chronicles of Fantasia (Fantasy & Adventure)
Task: Write a fantasy/adventure flash story set in the world of Fantasia.
Prompt: Use a ‘Mythic’ creature as part of the story.
Restrictions: Word limit of 45 words, including the Title


Here I hold, bathed in blood, the dragon’s mangled remains at my feet. I stare into the lightless abyss as the ground begins to tremble under foot. I clutch grandfather’s Royal Fantasian axe securely in anticipation for the impending madness. Her mother has awoken.

by Alex Healy

* Story 3 Guidelines:

Title: The Adventures of Max Little (Children’s Poems & stories)
Task: Write a children’s flash story or poem about the character ‘Max Little’.
Prompt: Use ‘Bravery’ or ‘Courage’ as part of the theme.
Restrictions: Word limit of 40 words, including the Title.


He gripped the machine. It rumbled beneath him. Max sped toward safety. Big brother said he’d never do it first try. Max knew otherwise. He made it, father embraced him, brother scoffed. “I did it! No more training wheels”

by Rohan Healy

And there you have it! You can CLICK HERE to read the winning entries and check out some of the other cool stories that people came up with.

Have you ever written flash fiction? Thanks for reading ours


ps. Oh by the way the launch date for SEX, Not as a Separate Subject is getting closer, only 2 days now! If you wish to take part in the blog tour by hosting a guest post, or doing a review or interview check out THIS POST and get in touch