Ten Green Bollards Standing On...

Posted on the 13 April 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Ten Green Bollards....

Nine Green Bollards Standing On The....

Travelling down Victoria Rise, Clapham, London SW4 and I came across a huge amount of slender reasonably tall dark green bollards. The number in the picture (top) happens to be ten and I'm sorry to be so predictable or even corny but it did remind me of a song many of us have probably sung when we were a little younger 'Ten Green Bollards'.
It is odd how a collection of everyday objects and a particular color can trigger a childhood memory. After a quick look on You Tube I noticed a change in the lyrics to 'hanging on the wall' yet most of the graphic or video shows the 'bottles' 'standing on the wall'.
Enough of nursery rhymes designed to teach us how to count and back to the bollards and if you take a close look at the picture (above) you'll notice if 'one green bollard should accidentally fall, they'll be nine green bollards standing on the'.
Our #guestbollard is featured over at Bollards of Britian and involves 'A Chimpanzee, Bike and a Policeman'. This is a great piece of street furniture telling a lovely local story. Thank you once again to @putting_gott on the twitter.
Bollards of London...