Ten Months

Posted on the 30 April 2013 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

At ten months … (A day late since we got home late from Vancouver yesterday!)

- Weighs 20.6lbs

- Waves “Bye-bye!” It’s pretty much the cutest thing ever. She’s always just stuck her hand in the air, but a couple weeks ago she actually started making the waving motion when someone says “Bye” and waves to her. She actually waved to my Grandpa as he was leaving, which made me feel great because she was pretty apprehensive about him since she hadn’t seen him in so long.

- Is stranger shy. This actually started about a month or so ago; there’s this front-end assistant at Costco who has made her cry twice just by talking to her, and now she’s really freaked out by most men. At her 9-month check up at the doctors? Total meltdown. He’s tall, loud and got into her personal space, and that didn’t go over well at all. She’s OK with most women, but prefers her mom, dad or grandma. I figured it would happen eventually, she was just too friendly for so long!

- Is on a bottle exclusively now. I’m certainly enjoying the freedom a bit more, and she’s enjoying the “control” she has over the bottle. (Playing with it, taking it in her hands and drinking from it without my help.)

- Walks along everything! She’s not walking on her own, or while holding my hands, but she’s walking along the furniture, walls, whatever she can lean her weight onto. It’s amazing and terrifying to see how far she moves in a short time frame. She’s definitely keeping Kyle & I busy!

- Has two more teeth – her two front teeth! We’ve been battling these two for the past couple weeks now, and I’m so glad they’ve finally popped through!

- Like I said, am enjoying the freedom of not breastfeeding anymore. My boobs are grateful, and my milk is slowly but surely drying up. The toughest part was the first couple days after I stopped pumping to bottle feed. The engorgement was so painful and it was hard not to pump too much and only to do enough to relieve the pressure. But, I did it, and with the help of some cabbage, I’m getting there. (Yes, cabbage!)

- Am also mourning the loss of my boobs. They’ve gone all sad and small since they’re no longer producing milk. I’m going to have to invest in a good quality push-up bra. Hell, maybe I’ll just get a boob job when I’m done having kids. (I kid. Kind of. No really, I kid.)

- Am trying to decide what I want to do career-wise. Since I’m no longer going back to work in June, I’m  reassessing what I really want to do with my life. Journalism, as much as I love writing, is fizzling as a viable career. I’d love to keep freelance writing, but I need a more reliable career that isn’t going to crap out due to the economy. I have a couple ideas in mind, so we’ll see what happens.


One month
Two months
Three months
Four months

Five months
Six months
Seven months
Eight months
Nine months