Diaries Magazine

Ten on Tuesday

Posted on the 26 March 2013 by Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
1. My computer died on the weekend. But before it did, it gave me the red screen of death (or RSOD). That's right, it was so angry with me that the blue one just wouldn't cut it.
2. This came concurrent with a stupidly hectic week at work during which I had planned to bring work home with me.
3. As you might be able to guess, I'm a little stressed at the moment. I woke up at 3 AM this morning in an utter panic and it took me two hours to talk myself down and get back to sleep. During which I entirely re-organized a section of the bathroom, decided I liked it better how it was, and put it all back again. Yep, super productive.
4. I wish I could be a full-time blogger, but I don't really know how people make that happen and feel like there's no way I could ever accomplish it. So instead I'm just jealous of all these 22-year-olds who get to wear snazzy outfits, galavant off to makeup events and say that they "work from home." Yeah, life's unfair.
5. On the plus side Vancouver is actually sunny. Has been for days now. Yes, DAYS. Plural. I'm shocked too. Still carrying around my umbrella because I've learned to have a healthy mistrust for the weather here.
6. On the other plus side, since I have no working computer at the moment, my house is tidier than it's ever been. So there's that.
7. I'm feeling vast amounts of sympathy for Lin, who is moving soon. If I'm feeling this stressed out, I can't even imagine how she's coping. If I were her, it would involve copious amounts of tequila, lots of panic attacks and a fair amount of losing my temper for no particular reason.
8. I've been trying to re-vamp my blogs and really wishing I could code. I know exactly what I want to do, but the template won't let me. And it's in the stylesheet, so I can't even go and mess about with that part of the HTML to fix it. Stupid templates.
9. You may have noticed my bad day post last week. Turns out it's kinda a bad week. I mean, not the worst, by any stretch, but not good, either. Really looking forward to the long weekend.
10. On that note, I could sure use a laugh, and I figure you guys could too. So watch this. And if you haven't seen the other three, click here for the first one and here for parts 2 and 3.

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