Ten to Do’s in June

Posted on the 10 June 2012 by Meltingmoments

I sat down yesterday and started writing a list of things I want to do in the next few weeks. How fitting that today I have stumbled upon a writing prompt from Mama Kat asking for my top ten ‘to do’s’ for June. Now I am hoping that by posting my list of ‘to do’s’ here, I will feel much more obligated to achieve them and cross them off the list.

So here they are:

1-  Put up the new shelves I bought for the laundry. I am very excited about these shelves which will go above the washing machine and the laundry sink. They will provide some much needed storage areas and I have already bought the baskets to go on them and designed some labels for the front of each of the baskets. This will make the laundry much more organised and life a bit easier.

2- Sort out the linen cupboard. Throw away what we no longer use or need and organise it better.

3- Continue with my run each morning with the twins in the pram. This will be much harder as the weather gets colder. If it is just too wet to go out, then I must do an exercise DVD.

4- Sort through our clothes drawers and the wardrobe and throw or donate anything that is stained, old or doesn’t fit.

5- Go through the pantry and keep out all the things that are close to their used by dates. Find some new recipes to try that I can use these items in and make them.

6- Cuddle my new niece. My sister is in hospital as we speak hopefully about to bring her baby girl into the world.

7- Organize my photos of the twins on my laptop and finally get some of them printed. Frame some and put them up around the house. I only have two photos up of them from when they were newborns.

8- Use my gift certificates for a pedicure and a massage which I got for my birthday in February and haven’t had a chance to get yet.

9- Do at least 50 sit ups everyday and hold a plank for as long as I can.

10- Before going to sleep each night I want to think of ten things from that day I am grateful for.

So there it is. My list of ten. I could really do a list of fifty, but let’s start with ten and see if I can get them done.

Thanks Mama Kat for the nudge to share and keep me motivated in achieving them.
