Self Expression Magazine

Terrible Blogs

Posted on the 19 March 2013 by Jhouser123 @jhouser123

When you have a blog you are constantly comparing yourself to other bloggers, and you start looking at other blogs, reading other blogs, and laughing at other blogs all while feeling subconscious about your own.  In my search across the internet I stumbled upon some great blogs (and took notes) and stumbled upon terrible blogs (and laughed until I literally had tears in my eyes) and in case you were wondering there ARE worse blogs out there than mine!

Among some of the worst blogs that I subjected myself to in my research were ones that were sponsored by colleges, and so it got me thinking that there must be one for my college too!  Well, I found it.  It was called the Cobblog, and as I started reading through it I realized it wasn’t as bad as most of the other college blogs I had read, but let’s be honest when college students write a blog there is a limited number of topics.  I made a list of all the topics that could possibly be used:

  • Food in the cafeteria
  • Events that happened recently or will happen soon
  • Some sporting event
  • A social issue like drinking or smoking on campus
  • The name of the school
  • The school mascot

Those are literally the only things you can talk about, and as you can see there is not much to say, but thankfully the staff cycles every year so one person never has to write the same blog twice!  Thanks to school censorship you are limited to a handful of topics, and you can’t exactly do any groundbreaking journalism, and if someone finds a school blog that starts posting something amazing, please let me know, but thanks to tight deadlines and editor reviews I don’t expect to hear from any of you about this.

So the moral of the story, if you are a great writer and you want to get into serious writing don’t get into your school blog, no matter how promising it might seem write for yourself.  It is like the difference between getting married to a very attractive woman who you have all to yourself, or getting into a polygamous relationship with 2 ugly women and 3 fat guys.  Good luck.

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