I had another epiphany today…I KNOW RIGHT?? Two in as many weeks, holy crappoli, what is going on with me?
I was standing at my kitchen window tonight, and as I looked out into the near darkness I saw my neighbours house with his beautiful Christmas lights on, and smoke coming out of the chimney of his adorable little house.
Most days I wouldn’t have thought twice about it, we pretty much all have wood stoves in the neighborhood I live in. Today for some reason it just struck me how lucky we all are to be able to do that.
You can’t have a wood stove in most cities now, obviously due to the pollution issue. It would be part of life I would absolutely miss, I love wood heat.
The other thing that happened today was this…
Total randomness…there is nothing else anywhere near this tree, it may be someone’s driveway, but if it is you can’t see the house. It wasn’t decorated yesterday…
Totally freaking cool.
So my epiphany was this…
Thank goodness I didn’t sell my house and move to Vancouver or Chilliwack, as much as I do want to go South eventually, I am truly glad that I am still here, in my quirky castle with a half a hedge laying across the back yard.
I love my fence with not enough Christmas lights and my mini Charlie Brown tree.
I am thankful for being warm, and dry and for having food to feed my boys.
I am really and truly where I am supposed to be right now.
I spent the day cleaning my house today and getting myself organized, I feel way calmer than I did yesterday thankfully…I was starting to scare myself, and that is never good.
I didn’t get a damn thing baked today though…ah well…there is always tomorrow.
That too is part of the awesomeness of living here, there is always tomorrow to get it done…
Happy Thursday…