This week has been so incredibly busy for me and it's only because Jared has been gone since Sunday and I've been picking up all the household duties of 2 people. It sounds silly that it's been so much work, but you really don't realize how much you appreciate someone until they leave for a while. I really feel almost ridiculous saying this since I know many of you have dealt with deployment, job separation and many other things that make it so you must spend time apart. Jared and I don't travel often for work, both of us about once a year. We don't have any responsibilities that make us spend time apart, so when it happens it's always a challenge for us.
Jared came back today, I just picked him up about an hour ago and dropped him off at work. Yeah, his work ethic is out of this world. He seriously went straight from the airport to work. I decided to write down all the things I really appreciate that Jared does for me while they're fresh on my mind. This way next time he forgets to clean up his hair after cutting it, I'll remember all the things he does for me on a daily basis.
Dear Jared,
Thank you for always cleaning up the dog poop.
Thank you for staying up late to switch the laundry loads, so I can get to bed on time.
Thank you for taking out the trash each Tuesday night.
Thank you for always taking the dogs out in the morning.
Thank you for unloading the dishwasher.
Thank you for doing the grocery shopping.
Thank you for always driving when we choose to go out.
Thank you for watching the dogs while I shower, so they don't jump in.
Thank you for picking up dinner when I'm starving and my stomach is eating itself.
Jared was only gone for 5 days and it was just enough to make me really appreciate everything he does for me.
What are some daily things you need to appreciate about your partner?