
Posted on the 25 November 2020 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy

In a year where everything seems to have changed, people are still getting sick, jobs and schools have changed things up a bit. There are still things to be thankful for. I hope all reading this are heathy and as are those closest to you all.

I’m thankful for….

I’ve been lucky in that my job hasn’t been affected. I am an essential worker. So for me it’s been business as usual.

I am thankful that my family is safe and healthy.

What I am most thankful for? My church family. Never in my life have we had such love showered on us. When my dad passed away late last month these amazing people stepped in and took care of everything for his open house.

My incredible friends who love unconditionally. I can’t imagine life without my girl squad.

What are you thankful for?