Thankful For: Recovery and Heart to Heart Talks

Posted on the 30 September 2013 by Raina

It’s been a long time since my last “Blessings” post and so it is time to remind myself what I am thankful for.

Firstly, “D” fell sick last week, and thankfully, he recovered and doing well now. He missed me so much that he caught flu – R effect. I think he has been a big monkey staying up late into the night playing video games or browsing and taking advantage of all the “me time” he got. Therefore, he did not finish his homework in the weekend and got really little sleep throughout the week. This probably stressed him out, and he fell sick. Hopefully, he learnt his lesson and will stop being a monkey.

Two days after he recovered he realized that there was a mid-term that Friday. Therefore, he had to rush and study. He got a day off from work but was not really happy with how much studying he got done. He took the test on Friday and called me all excited to say that the test went great. He missed “A” by one point, but I am still happy as this semester had been hard on him until now.

We (D and I) both have been doing well otherwise; of course, we are missing each other but not letting that drag us down.

I am really happy that I did this because I am enjoying every second I can get with my brother(B). I left home for college when B was a teenager and since then we did not get much time together. Furthermore, I feel like bonding with sibling as an adult is different compared to the childhood experience. B and I used to fight when we got bored as it was fun to annoy our mother. My mother used to call us two peas in a pod but then the distance between us led to a lot of misunderstandings. We both became very strong personalities and complete opposites. We are passionate about our principles and beliefs, which meant we had an opposing opinion on almost everything.

B and I had a heart to heart talk after I came here cleared stuff up. Until now, when B stated something opposite to what I believe, I thought he was saying I am wrong and his way is the only way. This hurt my ego, and I felt that I have no freedom to be myself. He told me that was never his intention. He only gave me his opinion and at no time wanted to force it on me. He also said that it was okay to have different opinions even though we are siblings. That was exactly what I have been thinking for a long time and to know that he has similar thoughts and is not trying to force stuff on me was a big relief.

B and I both have been great and are giving each other full freedom. He is very considerate and will not allow me to do anything around the house. He cooks, cleans and also makes money. He comes from work and makes his awesome chutney and Idli/Dosa. All he wants me to do is study. Not to brag but I always knew that I have the best brother, he is proving me to be right once again. That is why I consider him to be one of the four precious gifts that God determined me worthy to have.

Therefore, I am thankful for God’s help with D’s recovery/grade, D’s hard work, and my awesome little brother.

Comment down below to let me know what you are thankful for.

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