For the past week or so all my things I have been thankful has been no so serious. Today is about criticism that I have received. There is a lot of things that I thought about going with but decided to go with that I am too sensitive. Wish is true!! I use to be a lot worse, but now I really think about what was said and not how they said it. Working in the sports world really taught me this because you work long hours and in close quarters with people. Which really means We get sick of each other!! So I had think about what was being said to me, and not how they said it because they could have been tired, just got yelled at or maybe they are just rude which could be an option. Another tip is I think do they really play a big role in my life? If they do then I try to evaluate what was said and change if true. If they don't then I don't let it affect me too much, but I am girl and tend to over analyze EVERYTHING!!