That Just Happened…

Posted on the 21 March 2013 by Asoloaffair @a_solo_affair

Are you a hummer? I hum all the time – especially when I’m alone, focusing on a task or when I’m out in public, living electrically in my own head. At times, I could hum for several minutes and not even notice that I’m doing it (as an old roommate brought to my attention –  I think it drove her crazy). The strange part is, I unconsciously hum the most ridiculous song and it’s been going on for as long as I can remember!

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the grocery store perusing the vegetable and fruit section –  humming the Indiana Jones theme song – when I heard someone else join in! I immediately snapped out of my Indy trance, looked to my right and saw the most attractive man smiling and humming. I burst into a nervous cackle and then proceeded to turned bright red! My words completely failed me and all I could do was quickly bag the kale I held in my shaking hands and speed walk to the cashier, where of course, I stood in the worlds longest lineup with a face as bright as a tomato.
