That Kiss.

Posted on the 27 January 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
Have I told you lately how wonderfully blessed I am to be married to my husband?  Well, I am.  He truly is my best friend, the best start and part of my day, and the only one I want to spend forever loving.  
And if you think I'm only saying these things because I'm still a newlywed, then you couldn't be more wrong.  I knew this man would be this way long before he ever slid that diamond ring on my finger.  
I prayed for this man.
God heard.
Have you told your husband how much you love him lately?  

In today's busy schedules between husband and wives, and especially if children are involved, then the romantic side of marriage starts to trail off.  I am determined to not let that happen with Brian and myself.  
Our days start off with Brian's alarm.  He gets up and starts getting ready for work and I stumble to the Keurig to make his coffee for work.  Yes, I know I do not have to get up with him and do this, but that's my part of ensuring his day gets off to a good start.  After the coffee is made, I crawl back into bed and wait for him to come lean in and give me his goodbye kiss. 
We do not skip that morning kiss.  
Throughout the day, we text and check up on each other's days and the things happening at each job.  It's our way of touching base and letting the other know that even if we aren't "with them" that we are still there and care in spirit.  
His random texts still give me butterflies.
When we both get home in the evenings, I kiss him as soon as he or I come in.  This too is something we do not skip.  I always want him to know I am proud to see him and proud to be able to be under the same, safe, roof with him for another day.
We might watch TV together, or we might end up separate with me blogging and him playing XBOX, but at the end of the night the same routine remains- another kiss goodnight.

We do not skip that night kiss.
Brian is the first and last moment of each day for me.  And it's unreal how satisfying it is to have him in my life.  Sure, he's good at handiwork and all, but him just BEING here is more than I could have ever dreamed to find for myself. 
I'm sure our routines will change once any future kids come along, but at the beginning and end of each day I know I always want "that kiss."