That Moment

Posted on the 30 March 2015 by Mushbrainedramblings

That moment … when I’m sitting working at my computer having snuck out of bed early so as not to wake her, and the door opens and a dishevelled, sleepy little soul marches in in her pyjamas, hair sticking out at all angles, clutching her four best friends (the small furry fellows she curls up with at night), “Mama, you here Mama?”, a smile that lights up my soul, “There you are! Good Morning Mama!”, the best friends hit the floor and her shambly walk turns into a determined trot, “Milky Mama, need milky!”.

That moment is one of the best ways ever to start the day … we go back to bed, curl up together and she snuggles in, feasts, smacks her lips, “I love you Mama!”.