Diaries Magazine

That One Lingering Question.

Posted on the 21 August 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
Will I ever have children?
Maybe I don't know the answer to this question because I am 23 years old. I am still a child because I refuse to eat corn if it's not sliced off the cob by another person, I can barely wake up on my own, getting my oil changed gives me anxiety, I need a sucker for visiting the bank and doctor office.
I have been terrified of children for most of my life. I think it all started when I was 11 or 12 and I was babysitting some kids down the street. I was making some delicious Mac n' Cheese in the kitchen, the radio was turn up and a dance party was about to break out as I used the wooden stirring spoon as a microphone. I turned around and saw the littlest make her break, she was at the top of the stairs. I rushed to grab her, but it was too late. She toppled down the stairs and when I jumped down the flight of stairs to grab her she was pretty banged up, including a pretty major injury. She had broken her wrist and it was disgusting. Her once straight arm, had two clearly broken bones about to puncture the skin. I called her mom and and ambulance. After that my mom picked me up and I never babysat again. I still have a fear of holding or watching kids on my own. They are just so fragile. 
Aside from the fragile bodies, there are a few other things that scare me about kids. They wake up ALL THE TIME and you should see how sad and mad I get when woken up before noon on a Saturday. It is seriously the end of the world for 2 hours. Imagine severe moping, slight crying and just all around frowns. It's just the worst feeling ever. Okay and how about this, I like to nap. Do babies let me take naps on my own time - all the time? Not from what I hear. 
Next up what about the fact that you are totally responsible for another human's life. I was a scary kid. I had teeth go through my lips, puffer fish scar up my knee, I can't feel 3 fingers on my right hand, and my parents did a GREAT job with me, so imagine someone who isn't that careful... 
I do want Benjamin Button though. How cool would it be to pop out a 50 year old man- baby?That one lingering question.{via}
So what about you, do you want kiddos?Or if you have them...Is it as scary and life changing as I imagine it to be?

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