The 2 Year Old Brain!

Posted on the 05 September 2013 by Susiemcbeth @susiemcbeth
This month the twins will turn two!
It is so crazy to think that they have been around for nearly two years. It is weird because it feels like hardly anytime at all and, at the same time it feels like I can't really remember a life without them (that last part, in a good way).
So on the 17th River and Indigo will hit their 'terrible' twos (please Universe do not let the terrible two stage be as horrible as I imagine it to be...).
On the subject of two year olds though, I came across a quite interesting fact, did you know that humans have more brain cells at the age of two than at any other age or point in their lives? After two, the the brain kills off the cells it determines are unnecessary for the future (like a ninja)! So I guess the twins will be absorbing knowledge like a sponge. They are both doing so well, and are pretty much picking up new words everyday - I am looking forward to what this new stage will bring! The 2 Year Old Brain!