The 294th Tite Street SW3...

Posted on the 07 September 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Stone bollards...

Welcome to the 294th bollard of London which happens to be in Tite Street SW3. This is an extremely beautiful and rather pleasant part of London. No matter how busy you and I maybe this part of London feels more like a village that most people rarely walk down or around.
We are at the river Thames end of Tite Street just opposite Dilke Street where I recently found these beautiful stone bollards complete with interesting linked chain. The bollard sits on a near square base and then rises whilst the body tapers inwards towards a tiered flat top. Looking at the bollard (above) you'll notice the eyelet to the right hand side of the bollard and the rectangular linked chain.

A rather pleasant gate...

A wider shot/photograph...

If we look at the photographs (above) you'll notice that the bollard featured is a pair and you should also notice the two smaller domed bollards that protect the edges of the columns which support the walls and fixings for the gates.
The #guestbollard feature today is of a rather wonderful looking Richmond Green bollard photographed by @PeterMannionMP on the twitter. The design of bollard is not uncommon but the Royal crest/crown completes this rather beautiful ribbed/ridged white painted bollard.
On a slightly different note I've decided to put to use account and see if it spreads the word of bollards as effectively as you and @twitter.

A beautiful example of a Richmond Green bollard...

Bollards of London...