The 5 Spokes

Posted on the 12 May 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Last month, I read the book "Chazown", and Craig talks about 5 spokes. Besides your chazown these 5 spokes also need to be in line with what God has planned for you. If one of these spokes are out of whack then so is our life. It's not enough to know our plan God designed for us, but to also live it in balance. 
Below is just my interpretation of how I need to align the 5 Spokes in my life. I am far from perfect, but trying to be on the right road. 
I made the bullet point that way it is easier to read and looks nicer, too. I think anyway.  
1. Relationship with God
The main point in this spoke is about what temperature is your relationship with God. He can deal with either hot or cold, but hates lukewarm. He wants your relationship to be HOT for God. Cold is alright because you can make cold water into hot water. Lukewarm is exactly how it sounds. To me, lukewarm is having one foot in hot and cold. You don't know exactly what you want to do. 

My relationship with God right now is lukewarm. I had to admit it, but at least I am honest and willing to work to make it HOT! I want to shine bright for Him. This takes some work and can not be done over night. It hasn't been easy, but I can tell a difference so far. A major barrier in my way that I need to stay away from is envy. I look at what others have and want for myself. This is mostly in career because I am ready to work in sports again AND I KNOW that this is where I am suppose to be. I see people get jobs that I have applied for, and some have a completely different degree and NO sports experience. Another situation is being getting the job then quitting a few months later. (I could go off into a whole another blog post on this, but maybe for a later day.)Another area that I need help in is quick to judge or jump to conclusions. I have had this problem since as long as I can remember.  I know it is the devil working against me. I'm glad that I have a great support system to keep me level headed. One of Pastor's Craig's suggestions was to find a mentor. I did just that! I found a mentor that has a great relationship with the Lord. I will learn so much through her and excited to see where it goes. There will be a great blog coming soon, but check out her blog: Upward, Not Inward. If you haven't checked her blog out, do it after you finished mine. ha ha. 

My Christian mentor is Falen. She is such a motivation for me. I just want to live in her brain, because her passion for God is Red Hot all the time. She is able to push me, and ask questions that need to be ask. When I cry and get upset she is the first one to hug me and tell me God is there and loves me. I love having her in my life. Another person that I can't express how much I love them and what they have done for me in my life. 
2. Relationship with People

The second spoke  deals with our Relationships with People. I wrote a blog about this topic during the A to Z Challenge in April. This is a something that I could talk about forever. I was not a very good person in my past and burned a lot of bridges. I think all of us have that but it's how we rebound from the situations.  I am now working on mending some of those relationship. 
He also talks about sever relationship. This is not an easy decision for me because deep down I want everyone to get along and everyone to like me. I see the good in people, and don't want to believe that they would do anything bad. 
One the biggest relationship that I want to work on is my relationship with my brother. I have younger brother who lives in Arkansas. We have never been super close, because we have completely different styles. I really want to be closer with him and his wife, Katherine. 
Relationships that needs to be nurtured would be always be my relationship with my husband. That is a relationship I never want to take for granted, or become comfortable with. 
3. Physical Life

My physical life is the area that I am currently working to improve. The few questions that Craig talks about it what we need and do to restore our body. I will be the first one to admit that I don't exercise or eat in anyway that brings glory to God. Lately, I have been eating cheeseburgers and watching television. 
I have recently joined with Allison from Feeding My Temple in a 90 day workout challenge. I have joined with 9 other fantastic females who all have a desire to lose weight and stay fit. This group is amazing because it gives us accountability for what we are doing and how we are exercising. I have decided to do P90X as my workout choice. Each day we post what we ate and the exercise we did. I personally haven't started yet, because of course I got sick. I hope to get started next week and kick butt. I'm so ready to lose weight and get healthy.
4. Financial Life
Finances is something that I am not going to mention to much in detail because it is more personal. I don't think everyone should know our business in this area. 
We have goals set out in the next 5 or 10 years. A main goal is to eliminate our debt and develop more of a savings. I am hoping to sign up for the Financial Peace University. I want to be able to do the class with Gary, so finding time during the season is impossible. 
5. Work Life
The final spoke is my work life. All the other spokes minus physical and work are in balance. These areas are probably were I spend the most of my time working and fixing. The biggest theme in this chapter was do you love your job or is it just a paycheck? Recently, my job has been just a job. I can't explain why the shift but maybe it's the environment. I love what I do, which is public relations. I know that I am great at what I do given a productive work environment. 
Sorry this blog is so long. I thought about separating them into smaller blogs, but that was also a hassle. Thanks for letting me vent my life. I also love to write things out because I am able to see all the situations and solutions. Sometimes something was right there the whole time but you just needed to see it in black and white.