How often do you ask your partner, friends or family for advice? You guys know how often I ask for advice from all of you... pretty much like 3 times a week! Poor Jared, I always am asking his advice on everything. I always go to Jared first because I value his opinion more than anyone else's. That's why I married the dude. The tough part is when I ask for advice, sometimes I need a 5. What I mean is a 5 on the advice scale. The scale goes from 1 to 10. On the 1 side that is when you're asking advice and the person nods there head, agrees with you and then you hug and kiss. A 10 would be where the person you're seeking advice from is very blunt and does not even candy coat things a little tiny bit. Jared usually falls into the higher side of the scale when seeking advice. He will definitely listen and his objective is always to help me. His advice comes in the form of telling me how to fix the problem and he lays it all out on the table for me.
My recent advice seeking was about being a manager. I am trying to move up to management in my current job. I was talking to Jared and telling him all the ways I am working on that. He was very supportive and encouraging. In my head that's when the conversation should end and we'd kiss all night long. However, Jared also had some pointers for me. He's had a lot more experience with management. I've never had a "manager" really. I've always worked for small enough companies that we didn't have hierarchy. Jared has been his own manager and has also had many managers. He was giving me great advice. For me it was almost like an overload. I just wanted the supportive side and then to call the convo quits. Of course, that really isn't advice seeking. Jared was trying his hardest to help me and to push my upward. I was very resistant. It isn't until now which is like 4 days later that I understand that he was doing this for my benefit.
When you go and ask for advice what do you expect? Are you a bit resistant to others advice like I am? Also on a side note: Give me advice about being a good manager.