Diaries Magazine

The Bedtime Battle....

Posted on the 01 May 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
The Bedtime Battle....
The bedtime dread has well & truly started.
As a grown up, you look forward to bedtime - my bedroom is probably my favorite room in the house, and short of having a tv bed it's everything I want in a bedroom. I can't wait to get there every night.
We've always been very lucky where bedtime was concerned. 
As a very young baby, Tyne did wake a fair few times in the night but we expected that...But for the last 4 or 5 months, he's been a great sleeper.
He's gone down easily each night, and slept through until 9 am most days with maybe an occasional whimper or wake up around 5 am but a quick cuddle sorted that out.
But for the past 2 or 3 nights, things have changed.
My nice placid sleepy little baby has been replaced by a screaming, red-faced little terror who has made it his mission to absolutely NOT go to sleep in his own cot.
If he falls asleep on our bed, he wakes as soon as we transfer him to the cot.
If he put him in the cot awake, he stands straight up and screams bloody murder - cries hysterically - reaches his hands out to be lifted out.
We've tried it all.
We've tried letting him cry for a while - he doesn't give up and I can't leave him for longer than 5 minutes while he's crying hysterically.
We've tried sitting next to the cot...he refuses to do anything but stand, cry and lean out to us.
We've tried continuing to lay him back down when he stands up - we get tired waaaay before he does!
So what to do?!
We end up trying all of these things, and eventually he ends up falling asleep in our arms.
If he would do that to begin with and stay asleep  when we put him into his cot, that would be fine...but he doesn't.
He won't stay asleep until he's worn himself out from crying first.
He has a good bedtime routine which has been the same for months - bath, supper, cuddles and story, bottle and bed so I know its not his routine that's the problem.
He has one nap a day, after his lunch for usually an hour or an hour and a half.
I'm totally at a loss but I do hope this phase doesn't stick around too long!
Has anybody experienced these kinds of bedtime episodes?! What tips would you give me?!
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